Oxford Socially Responsible Investment CampaignCampaigning for Socially Responsible Investment in OxfordWhat is your college supporting?
 Calling for Socially Responsible Investment across Oxford University

College - Updates

- Rubbish Corporations
09/05/05 : BAT
Rubbish Corporations> There are several major tobacco companies – BAT, Philip Morris, the Gallaher Group and Imperial Tobacco, and it’s disgraceful for an academic institution carrying out cancer research to hold investments in any of them. But just to focus in on BAT…

- Rubbish Corporations
09/05/05 : GlaxoSmithKline
Rubbish Corporations> GlaxoSmithKline is a major pharmaceutical company in Britain, and in fact the largest pharmaceutical company in the world. It produces drugs, and ‘consumer health products’ such as Nicorette, Horlick’s, Lucozade and Ribena.

- Rubbish Corporations
09/05/05 : Monsanto
Rubbish Corporations> OK, so Monsanto isn’t actually a UK based company, and doesn’t appear in the FTSE100. However, biotechnology issues – particularly GM – are likely to be more and more important as time goes on.

- Rubbish Corporations
09/05/05 : Nestle
Rubbish Corporations> Not all CRs across Oxford boycott Nestle, but many do. This is why: the below facts show that in a definite, concrete sense Nestle is responsible for the death of huge numbers of infants every year, the world over.

- Rubbish Corporations
09/05/05 : CAT
Rubbish Corporations> Sometimes known as CATerpillar, this company are involved (according to the UN, Amnesty International, Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions and Human Rights Watch) in the Israeli Army's abuse of Human Rights in Occupied Palestine.

- Rubbish Corporations
09/05/05 : Nike
Rubbish Corporations> Nike has been in the media a lot over the past decade for its appalling labour standards, but despite this, continues to source clothing from factories where the labourers are paid far less than is feasible to support a family.

- Rubbish Corporations
09/05/05 : Haliburton
Rubbish Corporations> Haliburton is a company providing logistics and infra structure services, most notably to the military and the oil and gas industries. It recently managed to get $500m worth of contracts working in post war Iraq, despite a history of overspending and account fraud.

- Rubbish Corporations
09/05/05 : ASDA-WALLMART
Rubbish Corporations> The dubious honour of being the first rubbish company of Trinity Term falls to WALMART (or, probably most relevantly in England ASDA-WALMART, since ASDA was bought up by Walmart in 1999).

- Rubbish Corporations
09/05/05 : ExxonMobil
Rubbish Corporations> EXXON MOBIL is a major oil company. As recently as 2002, its chair made the statement: 'Now we in ExxonMobil do not believe that the science required to establish this linkage between fossil fuels and [global] warming has been demonstrated'

- Rubbish Corporations
09/05/05 : Rio Tinto
Rubbish Corporations> Rio Tinto is a mining company that has been heavily criticised for its operations in Indonesia. Open cast mining in Indonesia’s protected forests is incredibly environmentally damaging, yet big mining companies like Rio Tinto continually apply pressure to the Indonesian government to grant exceptions to the protective legislation.

Lady Margaret Hall - Updates
03/05/05 : Information received after a Freedom of Information request about College investments
College - Updates> A request for information about College investments, and which funds they are held in, was made in March 2005, under the new Freedom of Information Act. This was what we found out...

Somerville College - Updates
03/05/05 : Information about College investments gained through the Freedom of Information Act
College - Updates> Here's what we found out from the Freedom of Information Act request about investment information in March 2005.

Lincoln College - Updates
03/05/05 : Response to the Freedom of Information Act request about Lincoln's investments
College - Updates> This is the information we got in response to questions about College investments under the Freedom of Information Act, in March 2005.

Harris Manchester College - Updates
03/05/05 : Response to Freedom Of Information Request
College - Updates> Harris Manchester responded to our freedom of information request in March 2005 with details of the funds they hold investments in...

Linacre College - Updates
03/05/05 : Freedom of Information Response & List of Funds
College - Updates> Linacre replied to the Freedom of Information Request sent in March 2005 with the following details (including funds held as of 1st February 2005).

Keble College - Updates
03/05/05 : Response to the Freedom of Information Act request about College investments
College - Updates> This information was received in responsse to a request for info about College investments made under the freedom of information act, in March 2005

Wolfson College - Updates
03/05/05 : Freedom of information act response - investments
College - Updates> Wolfson hasn't been terribly open so far, and has only told us the name of their fund managers. However, there is a list of pooled funds investments.

Trinity College - Updates
03/05/05 : Freedom of information act response - investments
College - Updates> Trinity has given us details of direct investments that they hold, as well as pooled funds.

St Hugh's College - Updates
03/05/05 : Freedom of information act response - list of investment funds
College - Updates> This was the response from St Hugh's after a request for information about the College's investments was made under the Freedom Of Information Act, March 2005

St John's College - College Specific
29/03/05 : Appeal under the Freedom of Information Act (.doc)
Resources - College Specific> This was sent on 29th March 2005 (Word Document, 24Kb)

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Oxford Socially Responsible Investment Campaign is campaigning for clear committment to Socially Responsible Investment from Oxford University and for greater financial transparency in the investments of Oxford University Colleges. This website contains information about the campaign, and details on how you can get involved