Information received after a Freedom of Information request about College investments
LMH INVESTMENTS -LMH investments are managed by its Investment Committee. The College at present holds its investments predominantly in Gartmore pooled funds, which are named as follows:
UK Index Fund,
Index Strategy USA Fund,
Index Strategy Continental Europe Fund,
Index Strategy Japan Fund,
Index Strategy Pacific Rim Fund,
UK and Irish Smaller Companies,
UK High Alpha Fund,
Institutional Corporate Bond Fund,
UK Fixed Interest Fund,
Morgan Stanley GBP Liquidity Cash Reserve Fund.
If you wish to find out about the composition of any of these funds, factsheets are available via the Gartmore website.
In addition we hold investments in the Charities Property Fund, the Bridgepoint Europe II Fund, the Isis College Fund and the University Chest Trust Pool. We hold cash on deposit with Close Brothers and Barclays plc, and that exhausts the list of our investments.
Posted on 03/05/05 by Anon
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