Resources - Reports, Proposals and Submissions
01/05/06 : Paper to University Council, TT06 (.doc)
This paper was submitted to Council in HT06, but delayed until TT06 (see University Updates). It states the case for SRI, and asks Council to resolve to implement a credible SRI policy, going beyond the CSR basis of the Good Corporation Charter. The paper was only considered by Council as an annexe to a rebuttal drafted by a Council working party, and thus its action points were never formally voted upon.
The Global Justice Project at Boston College produced this powerpoint Presentation to advocate for a Joint Committee on SRI to be established between staff and students.
The following report will be sent to 8th Wk (MT04) Joint Consultative Committee from OUSU. The report sets out the case for SRI, with a view to evolving the University's current policies with regards to the 'Good Corporations Charter'
22/11/04 : College option paper 2001
A paper prepared by former members of Ethics Committee (about 2001) as a basis for reports that JCRs could make to Governing Body.
19/11/04 : Balliol 2001 Report
Taken from the OUSU SRI campaign guide - whole document accessible from side bar.
19/11/04 : Ethics for USS Report:
This is a summary of the 'Meeting the responsibilities of ownership' report, which persuaded the Universities Superannuation Scheme to go adopt SRI. Link to full report at the bottom of the page.
A two page report to the Oriel Investment and Finance Committee that can be adapted for other colleges if wanted.
17/11/04 : Edinburgh P+P policy document
At 55 pages, it is *rather long*. But it does contain a lot of good stuff. Includes: introduction, proposal for setting up a committee, financial portfolio review, details of the SRI USS pension scheme and statements of support. And it worked.
16/11/04 : Selwyn College Cambridge Report
The following proposal was submitted by students of Selwyn College Cambridge to their Governing Body in April 2000. Subsequently, Selywn started investing responsibly. It's here for OUSU members to look at the approach that other students working on this issue have taken.
From the site - which coordinates SRI campaigns across the USA. These are useful, particularly as many have been succesful.
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Oxford Socially Responsible Investment Campaign is campaigning for clear committment to Socially Responsible Investment from Oxford University and for greater financial transparency in the investments of Oxford University Colleges. This website contains information about the campaign, and details on how you can get involved