College - Updates(Oriel College)
From Oxford Socially Responsible Investment Campaign (

General Updates

Posted on 31/10/04 by admin

Tim has been invited to give a presentation to the Investment and Finance Committee on the 17th November. At present we've not heard anything from college as to their stance on SRI, and so hopefully this meeting will provide an opportunity to share information.

A meeting of interested people in Oriel in the JCR today (31st October 2004) decided that a motion should be brought to the next JCR meeting asking for JCR support for the principles of Transparency and Socially Responsible Investment.

The group meeting suggest that the first target should be transparency, as we first want to know whether or not the college does have any investments that cause concern.

It was also suggested that the group should meet regularly in the JCR - possible alternate weeks to JCR teas, which will hopefully start up if the motion planned for this evenings JCR meeting is passed. Anyone interested in joining that group (we probably need to come up with a name) e-mail

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