Resources - Common Room Motions(Corpus Christi College)
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Corpus Christi SRI JCR Motion...

Posted on 26/10/04 by tom

From 8th Week JCR Meeting, Hilary 2004:

I'll put the minutes here when I get them. But basically the below motion was passed with the amendment that 'Tom Dale' be replaced with 'the JCR President'...

This JCR notes:

1.This college has an investment policy and an actual portfolio of investments.

2.We don?t know anything about either of them.

3.Matt Goss has asked the Bursar about this, but he?s not being very helpful (the bursar, not Matt).

This JCR believes:

1.That we take a legitimate interest in the ethical investment status of the college.

2.That there is no reason why the college should not be open and transparent about such matters.

3.That if they are not willing to be honest, there is genuine cause for concern.

4.That this does not imply any particular ethical judgements.

This JCR resolves:

1.To require that the college be open about its investment portfolio and policy.

2.To mandate Tom Dale to pursue such research on its behalf.

3.To mandate the JCR president and committee to support and assist efforts to research these matters.

Proposed: Tom Dale

Seconded: Matthew Baker

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