Investment Issues
Posted on 04/10/04 by admin - Oxford University Students independent campaign group against the University's irresponsible investment policies. Has lots of information as well. Subscribe to the campaign info list here .
People and Planet's guide to running an SRI campaign - includes model SRI policy. - Ethics for Universities Superannuation Scheme Campaign. 'The University staff campaign for ethical investment of our pension fund'. Was sucesful in 1999, since devoted to monitoring policy development. They produced an excellent report arguing the case for USS to start investing responsibly.
The Clean Investment Campaign from Campaign Against Arms Trade . Includes a list of the arms trade investments of educational institutions (e.g. Universities and colleges), as well as a guide to achieving disinvetment. - site covering student SRI campaigns in the USA. Includes pages on campaign success stories and description of working SRI policies (including some of the USA's most presigious universities), which are really cool. You might also find the Boston College Global Justice Project interesting and useful.
The Ethical Investor: Universities and Corporate Responsibility - PDF text of a 1972 book by three Yale Proffessors. Has been very influential in the USA. One day, the world will catch up... - How a campaigning group used a variety of tactics, including ethical investment, to prevent the construction of the infamous Ilisu dam project in Turkey. Thereby preventing 30-78,000 Kurds from being made homeless by the Turkish state. - The UK Social Investment Forum. - Portal for ethical investment services offered by companies. - The Ethical Investment Research Service. Commercial services for ethical institutional investors. - Ethical Investors' Group's site. 'Independent' financial advice for those with a 'concern for the future of our society and the environment'. - The Ethical Investment Association Website. A coalition of Independent Financial Advisors.