College - Updates(St John's College)
From Oxford Socially Responsible Investment Campaign (


Posted on 23/10/05 by Anon

It turned out that in fact all the JCR received in reply to our FOI request was an annual report from Cazenove Fund Management Ltd, which lists only some of the companies in which cash is invested.

Will scan some of the info on line as soon as poss.

However, CAAT made a FOI application with respect to shares held in 6 arms companies only.

The college holds the following number of shares in each of these companies:

BAE Systems: 121,250
Rolls Royce: 210,350
VT Group: 188,500

This amounts to over £1.8 million of the college's money, showing just how important our campaign is.

We will be meeting on Thursday 27th October at 7pm in the Graves Room to discuss how to carry the campaign forward.

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