College - Updates(Templeton College)
From Oxford Socially Responsible Investment Campaign (

Freedom of Information Request and Response

Posted on 20/05/05 by admin

A request was sent to Templeton by e-mail on 16th February requesting the following information under the Freedom of Information Act:

(i) A brief explanation of the various funds and pools within which your college holds investment funds and other ways in which the college owns portions of companies.

(ii) A list of all the companies that the college holds shares in and how many shares are held in each, whether directly or indirectly. And if indirectly, through which fund manager or other means. Understanding that shares held indirectly fluctuate frequently, simply the latest information on this will be fine.

(iii) What, if any, standards of ethical, social or environmental responsibility does the college exercise in its investments?

The following response was recieved from Glyn Pritchard on 01/03/2005:

'The college has no direct investment in anycompanies. Our sole investment is in the Global Growth & Income Fundfor Charities, which is managed by Newton Investment Management Ltd, 160 Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4V 4LA'

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