College - Updates(Trinity College)
From Oxford Socially Responsible Investment Campaign (

Freedom of information act response - investments

Posted on 03/05/05 by bridget

Trinity College’s Investments (what we know so far):

Directly held shares:

Eni Lasmo Ops 100,000
Shell 1092
Imperial Tobacco 4200
BP 882
BA 212
BAA 1377
Gartmore Global 45000
Charter Pan European 7576
Fleming Overseas 2653

Pooled funds:

Deutsche Asset Management (DeAM)

UK Opportunities Fund
UK Equity Income Plus Fund
Pacific Fund
Emerging Markets Fund

BGI (Barclays Global Investors)

ChariTrak UK Equity Income Fund
Index Selection Fund, North America
Index Selection Fund, Europe ex UK
Index Selection Fund, Japan

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