College - Updates(Lincoln College)
From Oxford Socially Responsible Investment Campaign (

Response to the Freedom of Information Act request about Lincoln's investments

Posted on 03/05/05 by Anon


(i) Funds/pooled investment vehicles which College investments are held in...
- JP Morgan Fleming Asset Management
- JPMF Liquidity Funds £ Liquidity Fund
- The Fledgling Bond Fund
- The Fledgling UK Equity Fund
- JPMF US Smaller Companies Fund
- JPMF Institutional Continental Europe Fund
- JPMF Institutional U.S. Fund
- JPMF Institutional Asia Fund
- JPMF Institutional Japan Fund
- Fauchier Oxford Colleges Fund
- Park Street Capital TAPE IV Fund
- Oxford University Fund LP
- ISIS College Fund

(ii) The college holds no shares independently of the funds and pooled vehicles listed above. The information regarding holdings in individual companies is 'exempt from disclosure' under [S43]. Though, information released directly by investment managers available from their own websites.

(iii) The fledgeling funds College invests in prohibit investment in tobacco stocks.

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