Oriel divests from two tobbacco firms
Posted on 12/01/05 by admin
After a presentation to the Finance and Estates Committee last term, Oriel has begun a proccess of engaging with its fund managers on the issues of SRI, resulting so far in divestment from two tobbacco companies.The college has so far looking at its holdings with one of its four fund managers, using a published guide to responsible investment amongst FT 500 companies (I'm not sure of the exact guide yet) and as a result identified four companies who the college may with to divest from. Since then, the college has given instructions for shares in two tobbacco firms to be sold (again, I'm not yet sure which) and have requested more information on which to make a decision about the other two.
The college has plans to engage in a similar proccess with its four other fund managers.
So far no specific policy seems to have been formed - though I will work through the JCR to find out more...