College - Updates(Keble College)
From Oxford Socially Responsible Investment Campaign (

Global Justice Stall in Keble Lodge - Thursday 4th November - 2pm - 4.30pm

Posted on 03/11/04 by Anon

In my role as Fairtrade Rep I hope to have a Global Justice stall in Keble Lodge tomorrow afternoon ... The stall will focus on Fairtrade (the campaign for global trade justice and a fair deal for individual producers to relieve poverty) and No Sweat (the campaign of solidarity with the workers who produce our Oxford University T-shirts etc. whose basic human rights are often ignored). Also, it will introduce Socially Responsible Investment (OUSU Ethics Committee's new initiative to prevent Oxford Colleges from investing in war, pollution and brutal regimes which shoot down student demonstrations etc.) The stall will involve Fairtrade samples (for sale and for free - and not just food!), petitions for Fairtrade coffee in the cafe and transparency about investments, and the chance for people to sign up for a Global Justice Action Group in Keble. If you'd like to help on the stall - for as little as half an hour (any time between about 2pm and 4.30pm) then please let me know a.s.a.p. Thanks so much. Emma Jones

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