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Colleges & University > Oxford University > Update and Next Meeting

Update and Next Meeting

Right a brief update as to where we are now with the university, where we're heading next with them, and what all this means for Colleges...

Last term we put a paper to Council in 5th week, coupled with a big petition drive. They decided that they didn't want to talk about it then, citing a broader endowment review and saying they wanted to discuss the two together. So it then came around to Council this Monday, and was 'discussed'. Except that our report was only an annex of a working party report that was set up to discuss our paper, and how they could get away without discussing its eminently reasonable content. As well as breaking most protocol and general decency rules, this report also contained a whole raft of inaccuracies. The report of the working party was then passed, but with us gathering some support.

So what next......

There's a number of options open to us, and that's why we need to get EVERYONE together who wants to be involved over the next year or so to have a chat about these options. These include, making this into a broader role of students and academics in University administration and also reigniting our college campaigns, and all the great ideas that everyone is going to bring to the meeting.

So Balliol LR 23 Wednesday 7:30

You don't need to know, or even have the slightest interest in, the intricacies of investment choices, materiality considerations and spreading risk, just a desire that Oxford should use it's financial weight to make a difference in the world.

See you all tomorrow,

Posted on 25/04/06 by admin

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Oxford Socially Responsible Investment Campaign is campaigning for clear committment to Socially Responsible Investment from Oxford University and for greater financial transparency in the investments of Oxford University Colleges. This website contains information about the campaign, and details on how you can get involved