Freedom of Information Application January 2005
Dear College Secretary,
Please forward this correspondence onto St John's Freedom of Information Officer.
Please provide me with the following:
(i) A brief explanation of the various funds and pools within which St John's holds investment funds and other ways in which the St John's owns portions of companies which are not its direct subsidiaries.
(ii) A list of all the companies in which St John's holds shares and how many shares are held in each, whether directly or indirectly. If these shares are held indirectly, please let me know through which fund manager or other means. Understanding that shares held indirectly fluctuate frequently, simply the latest information on this will be fine.
(iii) Details of how often and in what formats St John's receives information on the specific companies in which it holds investments, of the type referred to in (ii), and how it would access this information at any given time, should it wish to.
(iv) Any documents relating to ethical or other investment policy.
(v) A list of all documents that St John's holds relating to its investments, including documents which consider the relationship between freedom of information obligations and investments.
I trust that the full implications of the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations will be taken into account in assessing this request. I would appreciate that if you consider that any information in question is exempt from your obligations, you would let me know the legal exemption invoked, why you take it to apply and provide whatever portions of documents are not exempt.
I am happy to receive information in whatever format is most convenient for you, though if any documents are to have information cut from them, please provide photocopies.
Many thanks for your time. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you would like me to clarify my request so as to make it easier for you to help me. Please e-mail me at the above address to confirm receipt of this letter.
Anne-Marie O'Reilly
Posted on 25/02/05 by Anon
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