Students: How You Can Help
We're campaigning for Socially Responsible Investment from the University and Colleges. The University Campaign is coordinated through our weekly meetings and over the mailling list (see below). We're mainly using the channels of student representation through OUSU to put our case across.
But most of Oxford's 2 billion worth of assets is held by the colleges - so this is where we can really make the difference. But no one from outside can run a campaign in your college for you; only you and other students can. We can provide resources, advice, support and contacts. It's not as difficult as you think; so if you think you might be interested, please get in touch. The weekly meetings mainly function as ways to support each college campaigns, so if you want to find out more, please come along. The discussion list, with occasional advice and updates should help as well.
Here's some more information about some of the things mentioned above, and a few more ideas about how to push for a culture of responsible investment in other ways...